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The businesses worldwide are changing rapidly, together with dynamic laws, regulations and economic environment. This places significant importance to statutory audits under various statutes, especially audits mandated under corporate and tax laws. Various statutes demand extensive disclosures that require detailed analysis of the Financial Statements of the organisations on an independent basis.

We, at PJC, ensure that the Financial Statements are analysed after proper understanding of the business and market factors affecting the organisation and the audit approach is customised to suit the client needs. Our audit services extend beyond the conventional financial reporting function. We believe that audit must not restrict itself to review of historical data; it must also provide reasonable information about impending risks.

While the objective remains the same, i.e. to assure stakeholders with regard to fairness of financials, the approach and methodology needs to be customized for different industries and business models. During last several decades of its service, PJC has served the full spectrum of the industry, be it manufacturing, infrastructure, power, oil & gas, telecom, FMCG or IT services. 

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